4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free 2024 - Technowizah (2025)

4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free – Have you just installed Windows 7 or are you having a problem because the expired not genuine warning appears? So, you must know how to activate Windows 7 so that the performance of your laptop or PC becomes normal.

4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free 2024 - Technowizah (1)

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How to Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free PC 2024

Even though on January 14, 2020, Microsoft announced that they had stopped providing Windows 7 updates, there are still many Windows users who are still comfortable using it. The reason is that Windows 7 has several advantages when compared to the versions above.

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In addition, Windows 7 is often considered more stable, easy to understand, and lighter so that it can be used for low computer specifications and supports almost all existing software.

If you have just used Windows 7 or reinstalled Windows 7, then you must activate it. If not, Windows 7 will expire and you will experience more problems.

To activate Windows 7, including a very easy job. You can activate Windows 7 Ultimate, Professional, and other versions in 32-bit and 64-bit offline.

It’s so easy, there are several options for activating Windows 7, starting from using a genuine activator, without a product key, and even just using CMD.

Note: If you fail when downloading the activator file or when opening it.This means that you must first deactivate your antivirus, firewall, and internet connection so that these problems do not occur.

#1. Windows Loader

4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free 2024 - Technowizah (2)

Windows Loader is a Windows 7 activator that is quite popular nowadays. By using this software, you can activate Windows 7 without having to have a product key for activation.

How to activate Windows 7 with the Windows loader:

  1. First, deactivate the antivirus on the laptop or PC.
  2. Then, download the Windows loader 7 activator filehere
  3. Then extract the file and turn off the internet connection.
  4. Run the application by right-clicking> Run As Administrators.
  5. The loader will open and display the specifications of the window.
  6. Click the Install button to start Windows 7 activation.
  7. You have to wait for the process to complete.
  8. The last step is restarting your laptop or PC.

Very easy, right? After your PC or laptop has restarted and is active again, Windows 7 has certainly been successfully activated without having to enter the product key.

#2. KMSPico

4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free 2024 - Technowizah (3)

The next software is called KMSPico which is also very popular as an application that is able to provide full access to Windows 7 without requiring a product key.This application is free and can be used to activate Windows 7 permanently.

How to activate Windows 7 permanently without a product key:

  1. Download the activation firsthere.
  2. Then extract the downloaded RAR file.
  3. Double-click the exe file to run it.
  4. In the installation window, click the Next button.
  5. Check the Accept Agreement column then click Next.
  6. The kmspico installation stage will run.
  7. Wait for the process to complete.

If you experience problems when doing the steps above, then make sure to turn off the antivirus or firewall on Windows 7 first.

Well, after you have successfully followed the guide above, don’t forget to restart your laptop or PC so that the Windows 7 activation process is successfully applied.

#3. Activate Windows 7 With CMD

4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free 2024 - Technowizah (4)

If you don’t want to use activator software to activate Windows 7, then CMD might be the solution.As we know, CMD is a built-in feature of Windows so you don’t need to install any additional software and it can be done offline.

Here’s how to activate Windows 7 with CMD:

  1. Click the windows icon in the corner.
  2. Type CMD in the search field to search for it.
  3. Right-click CMD then select the option Run As Administrator.
  4. Once open, typeslmgr -rearmin the CMD window.
  5. Then press the Enter key to send the command.
  6. Finally, restart your PC or laptop.
  7. Done.

Note: Orders sent to CMD are basically for adding Windows 7 activation. This additional activation has a limit, which is only 3x for a total of 120 days.

#4. Activate Windows 7 Without Software

The last way is that you must have a valid product key so that it can be used to activate Windows 7 on your PC or laptop.To do this, you only need an internet connection to go online and validate the product key.

Although the Windows product key can only be obtained by buying it legally. But no need to worry, you can get the product key that matches your Windows 7 edition at the linkhere.

Here are the steps to enter the Windows 7 product key:

  1. Go to the Start menu> Control Panel> Windows Activation.
  2. Click the Activation Windows Online Now option.4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free 2024 - Technowizah (5)
  3. Then enter the product key that you have.
  4. After that, wait for the process to complete.
  5. If successful, the Activation was successful message will appear.4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free 2024 - Technowizah (6)
  6. Done.

Now features in Windows 7 can be used smoothly without the need to worry about error messages or other problems.

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This is the explanation of 4 ways to activate Windows 7 permanently for free. Which method is effective for you? Is it using the software? Without a product key with cmd? Or validate the product key that you have?

4 Ways To Activate Windows 7 Permanently For Free 2024 - Technowizah (2025)


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